Aperçu des sections

  • Welcome to this course ! It features an interactive activity that you can do to learn about climate refugees. It is inspired by a serious game called "La Fresque du Climat".

  • Printable cards for the Minifresk

  • Interactive presentation (features the Minifresk)

    You are about to start an interactive presentation about climate refugees.

    In this activity, you will find :

    • An introductive video to get familiar with the topic
    • A fill-in-the-blanks text to complete with the video
    • The interactive Minifresk. You should place each card on a box (drag and drop) to complete the fresk. You can check the Wiki to read the explanation of the cards and learn additional information about them (for most of the cards). You will find examples, graphs, figures and more !
    • Then, you will see the "solution" of the fresk
    • You will finish with a small quiz on what you have just learned.

    Enjoy !

  • Contact

    This page has been created in the frame of the Climate PBL course by three ENSEEIHT 2nd year students : Lila Bahroun, Nils Fremiot and Niels Groenen. If you have an issue with the activity or if you have any questions, please contact us.


